I carried you in hope for many long months,
Remembered that close hour, when we made you.
Often felt you kick and move
As slowly you grew within me.
Wondered what you would look like
when I finally gave birth to you -
Girl or Boy?
And what a glad moment
I should hear your birth cry.
And we welcoming you
With all you needed;
We had a home waiting for you.
You were born.
You took your first breaths and then you struggled
for air, and for life.
We had not expected this.
You lived only a brief time.
But you lived for me all the time in the
dark chamber of my womb.
We shall carry you with us forever.
Our child, you were always ours;
You are ours now.
Death cannot break the bond we shared.
Adapted from a poem by L. Clarke.
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